
目 录

2.本场演出门票将严格执行全售票渠道观演人一票一证规定,一个观演人证件只支持购买一张本演出门票,一个 id 账号限购 6 张,切勿使用同一观演人证件在多平台购票。若因此造成的重复购票订单无效或取消等损失的,由购票人及观演人自行承担。
(1) 项目开票后订单只允许转赠一次,截止时间为演出前 48 小时。
(2) 转赠截止时间分别为:
2023 年9 月28 日的场次,转赠截止时间为 2023 年 9 月 26 日19:30(第一场);
2023 年9 月 29 日的场次,转赠截止时间为 2023 年 9 月 27 日 19:30(第二场);
2023 年9 月 30 日的场次,转赠截止时间为 2023 年 9 月 28 日 19:30(第三场);
2023 年 10 月 1日的场次,转赠截止时间为 2023 年 9 月 29 日 19:30(第四场);
2023 年 10 月2 日的场次,转赠截止时间为 2023 年 9 月 30 日 19:30(第五场)。
演出地点 中国江苏省南京市玄武区中山陵风景区
演出时间 9月28日-10月2日(共5日) 每晚19:00-22:00
安静倾听是音乐会最起码的礼仪,在音乐会中发出噪音是很不礼貌的。务必事先关闭移动电话等可能发出声响的电子产品。 演出进行中应保持肃静,不可交谈、打瞌睡、喝水(饮料)、吃东西、走动等。如对某个节目不满意,也不要与身边的观众相互低语,对节目进行评论,应在演出结束退场后再对节目进行评价。
鼓掌是听音乐会一个很大的学问,因此适当的掌声是观众对演奏者的响应。但是过于热情或是不合时宜的掌声则会扰乱演奏者的情绪。因此,鼓掌时注意:· 音乐会开始时,应鼓掌迎接指挥上台。对上台演出的独奏演员,也应给予掌声鼓励。 · 许多音乐会在开演前都有节目单,我们不妨可在听音乐会前先行了解演出的曲目,或是事先在家里找寻相关曲目或音乐家资料,这样不但能掌握鼓掌的时机更能增加听音乐会的临场感受与共鸣。 · 乐章间不鼓掌已成为一种约定俗成的礼节。一般乐曲之中有许多章节,而乐章与章节之间,有时拥有极微妙藕断丝连一气呵成的关系,乐章间保持宁静既可以保证一部宏大作品的整体性,又能够保证我们欣赏思绪的连续。在两个乐章之间没有鼓掌的必要,所以,不管前面的乐章多么精彩动人,我们只需把全部由衷的感谢激情留待曲终时再释放出来。 · 在全部作品结束时要鼓掌,这是显示您对演奏者具有欣赏力的时候,演奏者有可能会因您热烈的掌声而返场并加演曲目。加演曲目的多少很大程度上取决于听众掌声、喝彩声的热烈程度,如果你确实喜欢他们的表现,不妨鼓掌鼓得猛烈一点、热情一点。指挥家、演奏家不退场,为表达对他们的尊重,观众的掌声不应停止。 · 乱叫、吹口哨是对演奏者极不礼貌的表现,除非乐队指挥明确示意听众参与演奏活动,如和着节拍击掌等,自己不要随意地以手或嘴“与乐团共奏”。
在音乐会现场,南京广电集团延续去年的经验,将继续优化推出“音乐会导赏”小程序 ,观众通过手机扫码进入,即可获得每天的节目单、宣传片及精彩曲目的专业解读,不是专业乐迷,也能解锁古典音乐的正确打开方式。
Your Visit
Ticketing Instructions
1.To purchase tickets, you can scan the Damai QR code below using your mobile phone, click the “I want to buy tickets” button on the right, or log in to Damai’s website (https://www.damai.cn/) and search for “Nanjing Forest Music Festival”.
2.For this performance, ticket purchases will strictly adhere to the one-ticket-one-ID rule through all ticketing channels. Each individual can only purchase one ticket per valid ID, and a single ID account is limited to purchasing 6 tickets. Do not use the same ID to purchase tickets from multiple platforms. If the duplicate purchase order is invalid or canceled due to this, the losses incurred will be the responsibility of the ticket purchaser and the ticket holder.
3. Considering that ticket holders may be unable to attend the event due to unforeseen circumstances after purchasing tickets, the organizer of this event will open a transfer option on the e-ticket page after identity verification is completed. The specific rules are as follows:
(1) Tickets can only be transferred once after the ticketing for the event has started, up to 48 hours before the performance.
(2) Transfer deadlines are as follows:
- For the performance on September 28, 2023, the transfer deadline is 19:30 on September 26, 2023 (first show).
- For the performance on September 29, 2023, the transfer deadline is 19:30 on September 27, 2023 (second show).
- For the performance on September 30, 2023, the transfer deadline is 19:30 on September 28, 2023 (third show).
- For the performance on October 1, 2023, the transfer deadline is 19:30 on September 29, 2023 (fourth show).
- For the performance on October 2, 2023, the transfer deadline is 19:30 on September 30, 2023 (fifth show).
(3)The rules and matters related to ticket transfer are subject to the interpretation of the organizer within the permissible limits of laws and regulations.
4.Outdoor performances will be canceled in case of adverse weather conditions, and ticket refunds will be processed. For more information, please follow the “NJBS” official account.
Performance Reminder
1、For this performance, the One-Ticket-One-ID rule applies on any ticket purchases through all ticketing channels. Each individual can only purchase one ticket per valid ID, and a single ID account is limited to purchasing 6 tickets.
2、Upon attending the live performance, ticket holders must present the original valid ID corresponding to the ticket holder’s information provided during the ticket purchase for ticket check and security check.
3、Do not use the same ID to purchase tickets for the same event on multiple platforms. If the duplicate purchase order is invalid or canceled due to this, the losses incurred will be the responsibility of the ticket purchaser and the ticket holder.
4、Children require a full-price ticket, and they should enter the venue with a parent or guardian. If a child does not possess a physical ID, the parent or guardian should complete the child’s electronic identity verification on-site in the designated area using a mobile phone QR code scan for entry.
5、Once ticket check and entry are completed, re-entry is not permitted. After exiting the venue, re-entry will not be allowed.
6、Outdoor performances will be canceled in case of adverse weather conditions, and ticket refunds will be processed. For more information, please follow the “NJBS” official account.
7、Tickets can only be transferred once after the ticketing for the event has started, up to 48 hours before the performance.
ZhongshanScenic Area, Xuanwu District, Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, China
Performance time September 8th-October 2th (Five days) 19:00-22:00 every night
Points For Attention
There is no need to be overdressed for a forest concert. Clean and neat is all. However, it is best to avoid revealing, flip-flop or dramatic outfits. It's a good idea to bring an extra jacket.
Best if you arrive around 30 minutes before the concert starts.
Quiet listening is a minimum concert etiquette.Be sure to turn off mobile phones and other electronic devices that may make noise beforehand. You should not talk, doze off, drink water, eat or move around during the performance. If you are not satisfied with a program, do not whisper to each other or comment on the program with the audience around you. Please comment when the performance is over and you have left the stage.
Applause is a big part of listening to a concert, so appropriate applause is the audience's response to the performer. However, over-enthusiastic or untimely applause can disrupt the mood of the performer. Therefore, when applauding, note that:
·At the beginning of a concert. Applause to greet the conductor on stage. However, applause should also be given to the soloist who comes on stage.
·Do to applaud between Intermissions. There are many sections in a piece of music, and the relationship between them is sometimes very subtle, and the quietness between movements ensures both the integrity of a grand work and the continuity of our thoughts. No matter how exciting the preceding movement is, we should simply save all our heartfelt gratitude at the end of the piece.
·Applauding at the end of a piece. This is a sign of your appreciation to the performer, who may return for an encore in response to your enthusiasm. The number of encores depends on how enthusiastically the audience applauds and cheers. The audience should not stop applauding until the conductor or performer has retired, as a sign of respect for them.
·Shouting and whistling are extremely rude to the performers. You should not play with the orchestra with your hands or mouth, unless the conductor has given the audience a clear signal to participate in the performance, such as high-fiving to the beat.
In general, the audience is not allowed to offer flowers to the performers during the performance. Should special circumstances occur, you can contact the staff in advance and they will arrange for the offering of flowers.
Please note that smoking is not permitted throughout theconcert. In addition, for the safety of the group, pets, dangerous goods or food are strictly prohibited.
Following last year, the Nanjing Radio and Television Group continue to optimize the Concert Guide mini program for better concert experiences. This Concert Guide mini program allows you to access our daily program, live videos and professional interpretations of the highlights.