
目 录

从创办至今,一场又一场高质量演出,一年又一年如约而至,让南京森林音乐会影响力持续加大,成为国内一流、世界关注的户外音乐品牌活动。 南京森林音乐会是古典音乐演奏的绝佳舞台。理查德·克莱德曼、谭盾、吴牧野、吕思清、陈燮阳、陈萨、何塞·卡雷拉斯等多位艺术家在此献上了精彩的演出。中山陵音乐台自然风景与建筑美学完美融合的演出环境、历届音乐会上多位演奏家们精彩的演出,让南京森林音乐会持续散发吸引乐迷、音乐家们的魅力。 南京森林音乐会是国际交流的平台。7年来,南京森林音乐会邀请了众多国内外知名乐团:江苏省交响乐团、苏州交响乐团、英国皇家爱乐乐团、美国好莱坞电影音乐乐团、俄罗斯圣彼得堡交响乐团、捷克爱乐乐团...... 2021年,南京广电集团创新对外宣传方式,加强国际传播建设,打造了“南京森林音乐会”海内外媒体传播矩阵,与世界知名乐团、艺术家联动,社会良好反响。南京森林音乐会,成为世界了解南京的一扇窗口。
森林融媒Forest Media品牌来自于南京森林音乐会的成功实践,成立于2020年9月,是南京广电集团旗下服务省市大型政务、商务活动融媒宣传推广的综合服务商,已经先后服务2020-2021南京森林音乐会、南京大学生开学典礼、大学生毕业季等重大活动的融媒宣传推广。提供官方通讯社、设计制作、媒体运行、媒体分发、视频图文直播等全案宣传推广服务,努力成为南京文化宣传、媒体推广及运营的综合供应商,打造融媒改革的南京案例。
中山陵音乐台位于南京市玄武区紫金山钟山风景名胜区中山陵广场东南。建于1932年至1933年,占地面积约为4200平方米,由关颂声、杨廷宝设计,1932年秋动工兴建,1933年8月建成。音乐台是中山陵的配套工程,主要用作纪念孙中山先生仪式时的音乐表演及集会演讲。 音乐台建筑风格为中西合璧,在利用自然环境,以及平面布局和立面造型上,充分吸收古希腊建筑特点,而在照壁、乐坛等建筑物的细部处理上,则采用中国江南古典园林的表现形式。从而创造出既有开阔宏大的空间效果,又有精湛雕饰的艺术风范,达到了自然与建筑的和谐统一。 2017年12月,中山陵音乐台被列为中国20世纪建筑遗产。
About Us
Cultural is the soul of a nation and country. Hosted bythe Publicity Department of the Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee of the CPC and the Nanjing Municipal People's Government, Nanjing Forest Music Festival is an annual cultural event held in cityNanjing,a major culture, art, and education hub of China.Dedicated totop-class classical musicperformances,the festival is a window for telling the story of Nanjing and modern Chinato the world.
Nanjing Forest Music Festival, which has been held for seven consecutive years, is one of the most influential cultural events in the Yangtze River Delta region. Adhering to the principle of “international, professional and classical”, the festival promotes the harmony between modernity and tradition, the east and the west.While appreciating foremast classical and modern art, people have the opportunity to embracethe city’s vibant humanistic spirit, echoed and enhanced by numerous rich historical and cultural heritages.
More than a spectacular stage of art, Nanjing Forest Music Festival plays a fundemental role in bringing about cultural upgrading. Held every September, the festival often coincides with Mid-Autumn Festival in China. After seven years of cultivation, concertgoing with families and friends has become a new holiday ritual. By blazing new trails and striking a chord with the audience, Nanjing Forest Music Festival have made Nanjing's public image as the "City of Music" deeply rooted in people's hearts.
Since its inception, one high-quality performance after another, year after year as promised, Nanjing Forest Music Festival has continued to grow in influence, becoming a distinguished international outdoor music brand event.
Nanjing Forest Music Festival is a great stage for classical music performance. Many artists such as Richard Clayderman, Tan Dun, Wu Muye, Lu Siqing, Chen Xieyang, Chen Sa, José Carreras, and Yundi Li have given wonderful performances here. Owing to the perfect blend of natural scenery, architectural aestheticsand excellent performances, Nanjing Forest Music Festivalnever fails to attractextensive attentionfrom musicians and fans worldwide.
Over the past seven years, Nanjing Forest Festival has invited many famous orchestras from home and abroad: Jiangsu Provincial Symphony Orchestra, Suzhou Symphony Orchestra, Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, Hollywood Film Music Orchestra, St. Petersburg Symphony Orchestra of Russia, Czech Philharmonic Orchestra ...... During 2021, to further improve its foreign publicity,the executive group of Nanjing Broadcasting System for the first time created an integrated media platform in the name of the festival. Hundreds of original works and first-hand news were posted on popular social media, including Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube. Through linking up with world-renowned orchestras and artists, the media matrix It successfullymade the voice of Nanjing heard, and presented a true, multi-dimensional, and panoramic view of China to the world.
Established in September 2020, Forest Media is a comprehensive service provider of Nanjing Broadcasting System to serve large-scale government affairs and business events. As a relatively young team, we has already served several major events such as 2020-2021 Nanjing Forest Festival, Nanjing University Commencement Ceremony and University Graduation Season. Our professional services include official news agency, design and production, media operation and distribution, media resource integration, live broadcast and other full-program publicity and promotion services. Striving to establish an exemplary case of local media fusion reform, our mission is to become the top comprehensive supplier of Nanjing's cultural publicity, media promotion and operation.
Sun Yat-sen Mausoleum Music Stage
Sun Yat-sen Mausoleum Music Stage is a building affiliated to the complex of Sun Yat-sen Mausoleum, located in the southeast of Sun Yat-sen Mausoleum Square in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, China. Covering an area of more than 4,200 square meters, it is an open-air stage mainly used to hold ceremonies, musical performances, and assembly speeches to commemorate Dr. Sun Yat-sen. The stage was designed by Yang Tingbao and built by the Liyuan Construction Company for 95,000 RMB donated by the San Francisco Chinese-Americans as well as the Liaoning Province Kuomintang branch. The construction project was started in the fall of 1932 and completed in August, 1933.
The architectural style of the Festival Hall is a combination of Chinese and Western styles. This creates both an open and grand spatial effect and a superbly carved artistic style, achieving the harmony and unity of nature and architecture.
In December 2017, the Sun Yat-sen Mausoleum Music Terrace was listed as a Chinese 20th century architectural heritage site.